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作者:羌建新 出版日期:2016年07月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16119 字 所属丛书:国际安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际安全研究报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:从总体上看,亚洲基础设施投资银行(简称“亚投行”)的筹建进程迅速、高效、顺利,而且随着筹建进程不断深入,加入的国家不断增多,辐射面、影响力不断扩大。作为一家新兴的21世纪的多边开发银行,亚投行具有亚洲色彩浓厚、新兴和发展中国家主导、代表性广泛、基础设施投资业务特色鲜明等特点。亚投行的建立为亚洲区域经济发展和经济合作提供了新的强大引擎,为多边开发金融体系和全球金融治理改革注入了新的强大动力,为推动亚洲债券市场建设和促进区域金融安全与稳定提... 展开



Abstract:In general,the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)is rapid,efficient and smooth. With the advancing of preparations for AIIB establishment and the involvement of more and more countries,the AIIB’s radiation range and influence continue to expand. As an emerging multilateral development bank in the 21st century,the AIIB is characterized by its distinctive Asian style,the leading role of developing co... 展开

Abstract:In general,the establishment of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB)is rapid,efficient and smooth. With the advancing of preparations for AIIB establishment and the involvement of more and more countries,the AIIB’s radiation range and influence continue to expand. As an emerging multilateral development bank in the 21st century,the AIIB is characterized by its distinctive Asian style,the leading role of developing countries,broad representation,and distinct feature of infrastructure investment business. The AIIB will provide a new powerful engine for regional economic development and cooperation in Asia,inject a new strong impetus for the development of the multilateral financial system and the reform of global financial governance,and provide a new opportunity to promote construction of the Asian bond market and to promote regional financial security and stability. In addition,in its operation,the AIIB should further improve its governance structure,attach great importance to its business risk control,reduce its financing cost,and properly handle its relationship with other existing multilateral development institutions. In the near run,the AIIB will focus on the Asia-based businesses. And in the long run,the AIIB has the potential to grow into one of the multilateral development financial institutions in the world.


