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作者:刘慧 赵晓春 出版日期:2016年07月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12211 字 所属丛书:国际安全蓝皮书 所属图书:中国国际安全研究报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015年,国际安全的演进大势与基本特征依然是和平、发展与合作。大国关系在政治上保持了总体稳定,一些大国之间的紧张关系趋缓;但在安全与战略领域,大国之间的战略博弈与深层较量并未停止,甚至有所加剧。地区安全热点问题的演变与走向呈多样化特点。一些地区热点问题取得突破性进展,开始降温;一些地区热点问题持续发酵,对地区安全与国际关系产生的负面影响不容忽视。国际恐怖主义、气候变化、难民危机等非传统安全问题对于世界和平与发展的威胁凸显,警示国际社会必... 展开



Abstract:In 2015,the evolving trends of international relations are basically characterized by peace,development and cooperation as before. The relationships between major countries remain stable in general and the tension between some countries has eased up. However,in the area of security,strategic competition among major countries never ceases,and has actually been heating up. Regional hotspot issues become more diversified. While brea... 展开

Abstract:In 2015,the evolving trends of international relations are basically characterized by peace,development and cooperation as before. The relationships between major countries remain stable in general and the tension between some countries has eased up. However,in the area of security,strategic competition among major countries never ceases,and has actually been heating up. Regional hotspot issues become more diversified. While breakthrough has been achieved and tension has been reduced in some regions,some other regions see confrontation escalating,which exerts negative influence on regional security and international relations. These negative factors cannot be neglected. Non-traditional security issues,such as international terrorism,climate change,and refugee crisis,are posing increasing threats to the peace and development of the world. Faced with the challenges of non-traditional security threats,the international community should advance cooperation and enhance global governance. Although China enjoys a stable international security environment on the whole,it is faced with a complex and stressful security situation. Under the guidance of the overall outlook on national security,China should advance the major-country diplomacy with Chinese features and effectively tackle the security challenges.



