文章摘要:近年来,延安市宝塔区社会治理创新工作成效显著。宝塔区提出以建设“有感社区”为目标,通过“普惠+精准”的服务形式推进社区治理创新,其中包括“创建圣地十个没有”传承延安红色基因,实施“一岗双助”服务聚焦特困人群等14种具体做法。调查数据显示,逾八成受访者对宝塔区近年来社区建设和服务工作表示肯定和认同。受访者认为区委、区政府加强社区建设与服务给个人带来积极影响,多数受访者认为社区在“社区环境”和“社区稳定”等方面变化明显,近半数受访者表示社区... 展开
Abstract:In recent years,the innovation of social governance in Baota District of Yan’an has made great achievements. Baota District proposed to build a sense of community as the goal,through the equalization+ accurate form of service to promote community governance innovation. Survey data shows that more than 80% of the respondents thought it is with greater impact that the district government strengthens community building and services to... 展开