文章摘要:社会心态是体现社情民意和公众情绪的重要标志。本报告对陕西公众2016年的社会心态进行了调查和分析。调查结果显示,大多数公众当前的社会心态积极向上。具体来看,“自豪感”、“社会认同”和“社会凝聚力”等均获得了公众较高认同。多数受访者对自己的生活状况持乐观评价,这在一定程度上折射出公众对陕西近年来社会经济发展成效的肯定。在自我心态整体评价上,多数公众的心理状态呈现乐观态势,具有较多的愉悦感、生活充实感和自信心。在未来发展预期和信心方面,八成公... 展开
Abstract:Social mentality is an important sign of public opinion and sentiment. This report investigates and analyzes the social mentality of the Shaanxi public in 2016. The survey results show that the majority of the public judgments,specifically,pride,social identity,social cohesion and so on get the public higher recognition. Most of the respondents are optimistic about their living conditions,which to a certain extent,reflect the pu... 展开