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作者:朱东芹 出版日期:2017年01月 报告页数:31 页 报告大小: 报告字数:27712 字 所属丛书:华侨华人蓝皮书 所属图书:华侨华人研究报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:菲律宾华侨华人新移民主要来自闽南侨乡,为侨乡新移民中的典型群体。相比改革开放后所形成的一般意义上的新移民,侨乡新移民诞生于20世纪70年代初,1971年国家恢复对归侨、侨眷出入境的审批,促成了侨乡新移民的形成,赴菲新移民应运而生。迄今为止,赴菲新移民大致可分为20世纪70~80年代赴菲者及20世纪90年代以后赴菲者两个世代,二者在移民时的政策背景、社会环境、移民动机、移民类型、移民方式及路线、流向以及分布都各具特点。目前,菲华社会所谓之“新侨”即指20世... 展开



Abstract:Mainly originated from South Fujian,the well-known home of the overseas Chinese,new Chinese immigrants in the Philippines can be regarded as a typical group of the new immigrants. Different from the more commonly known “New immigrants” who arrived after the reform and opening in 1978,the new immigrants from overseas Chinese hometown were born in the early 1970’s. The Chinese government restarted the approval of entry and exit fo... 展开

Abstract:Mainly originated from South Fujian,the well-known home of the overseas Chinese,new Chinese immigrants in the Philippines can be regarded as a typical group of the new immigrants. Different from the more commonly known “New immigrants” who arrived after the reform and opening in 1978,the new immigrants from overseas Chinese hometown were born in the early 1970’s. The Chinese government restarted the approval of entry and exit for the returned overseas Chinese and the relatives of overseas Chinese in 1971,which contributed to the formation of overseas Chinese hometowns’ new immigrants. New immigrants to the Philippines thus came into being. So far,the new immigrants to the Philippines can be divided into two generations including one arriving in the Philippines in 1970s and 1980s and the other arrived after 1990,for these two generations,the immigration policy background,social environment,motivation,types of immigration,immigration mode and route,flow and distribution differ from each other. Currently the so-called “New overseas Chinese” in the Filipino-Chinese community refers to the second generation,and in recent years,with the adjustment of the Philippines’ domestic policy,the changes in the relationship between the Philippines and China,and also the variation in local markets,it’s not easy for the “New overseas Chinese” to survive in the Philippines. They face a lot of problems,such as their residence status and the rights of management—two focuses suspected of being illegal. For the new immigrants in the Philippines,how to get out of the plight and to explore a pathto sustainable development is a problem which deserves their serious consideration.


