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作者:宋云峰 出版日期:2016年12月 报告页数:22 页 报告大小: 报告字数:21101 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015年5月,保守党在英国大选中获胜,实现了单独执政,从而摆脱了2010~2015年联合政府执政时期其政策受制于自由民主党的局面。和任何西方主要政党一样,保守党在2015年大选宣言中对选民许下了很多美好的诺言,例如,增加就业、减税、使福利制度更加公平、控制移民、确保中小学教育质量、改进全民保健制度、确保住房的改善以及保障退休人员的生活水准等。受益于英国经济在西方经济体中较好的表现(GDP适度增长、失业率下降以及通胀率较低),新一届保守党政府试图在5年执... 展开



Abstract:Britain experienced much change in its social development under the newly elected Conservative government which determines to carry out its goal of reducing debts through cutting taxes and welfare in general. This policy has affected mainly the working condition of the junior doctors in the NHS due to the new contract imposed on them by the government,low-income families who rely on council housing which is pushed by the government t... 展开

Abstract:Britain experienced much change in its social development under the newly elected Conservative government which determines to carry out its goal of reducing debts through cutting taxes and welfare in general. This policy has affected mainly the working condition of the junior doctors in the NHS due to the new contract imposed on them by the government,low-income families who rely on council housing which is pushed by the government to be sold to the first-time buyers who can afford,and the austerity budget on government departments and local government whose main job is to provide social and public service. Other reforms and changes include the academy reform in education,which suffers controversy and criticism,and the impact of Brexit referendum which results in increase of anti-immigrant abuse and a divided nation regarding Britain’s future in the world trend of globalization.


