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作者:曲兵 出版日期:2016年12月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13000 字 所属丛书:英国蓝皮书 所属图书:英国发展报告(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:英国政府大力推动“基于规则的国际秩序”,但认为这种国际秩序面临多重挑战,如俄罗斯意欲建立“基于实力的国际秩序”,“伊斯兰国”等恐怖组织在中东、北非地区做大,亚太地区冲突加剧等。英国主张“软”“硬”兼施来应对当前挑战,“软”的方面包括抢抓新规则制定主导权,“硬”的方面包括通过制裁、威慑等手段惩罚“规则破坏者”。英国的国际秩序观在守成大国中很有代表性,是要利用“规则”来维护既有优势;同时,它具有一定包容性,主张改革现有国际体系以回应新兴大... 展开



Abstract:The UK government is an ardent advocate of “rules-based international order” across the world. However,such an order is now facing multiple challenges,including the “power-based international order” promoted by Russia,the emergence of the Islamic State(The Daesh)in the Middle East and North Africa and the growing tensions in East Asia. The UK government is using carrot as well as stick to tackle such challenges. The “carrot... 展开

Abstract:The UK government is an ardent advocate of “rules-based international order” across the world. However,such an order is now facing multiple challenges,including the “power-based international order” promoted by Russia,the emergence of the Islamic State(The Daesh)in the Middle East and North Africa and the growing tensions in East Asia. The UK government is using carrot as well as stick to tackle such challenges. The “carrot” is to seize the initiative to interpret “rules”,while the “stick” is to punish the “rules-breakers” by sanctions and deterrence. As a status quo power,the UK makes use of “rules” to defend its vested interests. As a pragmatic power,the UK advocates to reform international institutions to accommodate the rising powers’ interests. Therefore,despite the fact that the UK and China have different interpretations of “rules”,they nevertheless can find common ground and to address regional and global concerns in concerted efforts.


