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作者:王学东 林文若 出版日期:2016年11月 报告页数:17 页 报告大小: 报告字数:18225 字 所属丛书:大洋洲蓝皮书 所属图书:大洋洲发展报告(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2016年澳大利亚联邦选举结束,其特殊的选举制度导致了小党与大党之间微妙的平衡关系。绿党有效地利用政治机遇来宣传其政治理念、推动政治行动,成为参议院第三大党,其政策主张与政治理念日益影响澳大利亚政治议程,特别是在气候变化议程博弈中,绿党无疑是工党和联盟党之外最有话语权的小党派。本文认为绿党在气候变化问题上是积极的倡议者、在气候变化政策中是有限的参与者、在气候变化政治中是成长着的推动者,绿党的“绿色身份标签”及其带来的“绿色身份困境”是绿党... 展开



Abstract:The Australian Federal Election in 2016 ends with the result that the Coalition won the majority in the house but not at the senator. Other parties including the Greens could bargain with the Coalition over the disputes at the Senator under the political system. Climate change agenda is one of the most important agenda in Australian Council politics. The Australian Greens,in the two-party structure consisted of the Labor party and th... 展开

Abstract:The Australian Federal Election in 2016 ends with the result that the Coalition won the majority in the house but not at the senator. Other parties including the Greens could bargain with the Coalition over the disputes at the Senator under the political system. Climate change agenda is one of the most important agenda in Australian Council politics. The Australian Greens,in the two-party structure consisted of the Labor party and the Alliance Party,is the most powerful party among the small parties in this agenda. The main content of this paper is to discuss the role of the Australian Greens in three parts of the climate change agenda. The conclusion is that the Australian Greens play a positive role in climate change problem identification,a participant role in climate change policy and facilitator role in climate change politics. “The Green Label” and “The Green Dilemma” are the two factors that can explain the role of the Australian Greens in Climate Change Agenda.




