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作者:王金岩 出版日期:2016年10月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12100 字 所属丛书:中东黄皮书 所属图书:中东发展报告No.18(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:利比亚自2011年战后不但未能实现预期的政治民主、经济发展和民众自由,反而陷入了权威碎裂、经济倒退和社会混乱。尤其自2014年8月后国家陷入两个政权并立对峙的僵局,招致境内外的武装分子和极端组织大肆作乱和扩张,国家面临分裂风险。利比亚乱局已影响到其所在及邻近地区的安全局势,尤其体现在恶化非洲安全和加剧欧洲的难民潮。“伊斯兰国”等恐怖极端组织在利比亚的趁乱扩张也对全世界范围内的打击恐怖主义活动设置了障碍。自2015年9月至今,在联合国的主导下,利比亚... 展开



Abstract:Since the Libya war in 2011,it hasn’t achieved political democracy,economic development and people liberty,which were expected before,but it has turned to authority fragmentation,economic regression and social unrest. Especially from August 2014,there are two governments confronting each other,which led to the Islamic State and other terrorist groups expanding their reach from what was once just a toehold into a foothold. Now ... 展开

Abstract:Since the Libya war in 2011,it hasn’t achieved political democracy,economic development and people liberty,which were expected before,but it has turned to authority fragmentation,economic regression and social unrest. Especially from August 2014,there are two governments confronting each other,which led to the Islamic State and other terrorist groups expanding their reach from what was once just a toehold into a foothold. Now Libya is on the verge of division. The chaos in Libya has influenced on the security in Africa and the refugees tide in European countries,as well as fighting terrorism all over the world. From September 2015,the two sides in Libya started Political reconciliation dialogue under the leader of UN,and signed an agreement to form a unity government in the end of 2015. However,Political reconciliation in Libya is still facing many challenges.


