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作者:张倩红 刘丽娟 出版日期:2016年08月 报告页数:28 页 报告大小: 报告字数:34059 字 所属丛书:以色列蓝皮书 所属图书:以色列发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015年是以色列的大选之年,现任总理内塔尼亚胡几经曲折实现了连任。在新一届政府的开局之年,以色列国内的安全局势依然严峻,恐怖袭击事件时有发生;国际反犹、反以压力继续牵动全民神经;巴以和谈深陷僵局,中东地区政治碎片化态势愈发明显,尤其是“伊朗核协议”使以色列人深感焦虑。但总体看来,新一届政府的组建有惊无险,社会良性运转,经济形势稳中向好,保持了2.5%的GDP增长率,国家的创新竞争优势继续保持,国民幸福指数仍居全球高位。然而,如何进一步满足“保... 展开



Abstract:2015 was an election year in Israel,and after encountering bitter setbacks,Benjamin Netanyahu won a historic fourth term. In the first year of the new administration,the security situation in Israel remained tense,with a wave of terrorist attacks surging since September. Compounding the domestic situation,international anti-Semitism and anti-Israel pressure continued to touch the nerves of the Israeli consciousness;the Israeli-P... 展开

Abstract:2015 was an election year in Israel,and after encountering bitter setbacks,Benjamin Netanyahu won a historic fourth term. In the first year of the new administration,the security situation in Israel remained tense,with a wave of terrorist attacks surging since September. Compounding the domestic situation,international anti-Semitism and anti-Israel pressure continued to touch the nerves of the Israeli consciousness;the Israeli-Palestinian peace talk came to a standstill,while the trend of political fragmentation in the Middle East appeared more and more pronounced. The Israelis have expressed extreme anxiety about the Iran nuclear deal. Nonetheless,the new government solidified its base with effective social governance. The domestic economy continued to demonstrate a respectable growth rate,achieving a GDP increase of 2.5%. The competitive advantage of innovation nation was successfully maintained and the Gross National Happiness Index of Israel ranked 11 in the world. But how to further satisfy the strong appeals of security and well-being issues,how to make true progress in curbing price increases,narrowing the widening gap between rich and poor,promoting social equity,striking terrorist attacks,relieving the pressure of geopolitical environment and expanding its diplomatic space will continue to challenge the governance capacity of Netanyahu government.



