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作者:王世达 丁晓星 出版日期:2016年07月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12537 字 所属丛书:中亚黄皮书 所属图书:中亚国家发展报告(2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015年是阿富汗形势发展演变的关键年份,阿富汗局势的前景仍不明朗。美国大幅度减少驻阿美军人数,阿富汗安全形势严重恶化,同时阿富汗政府内部矛盾重重,分歧不断,国民军战斗力堪忧。同时,塔利班也发生分裂,内部斗争加剧。“伊斯兰国”加大向阿富汗渗透的力度,使阿富汗形势更加复杂化。中亚地区与阿富汗山水相连,阿富汗形势对中亚地区的安全形势产生直接影响。尤其是近年来阿富汗北部地区的安全形势明显恶化,塔吉克斯坦与阿富汗的边界地区、土库曼斯坦与阿富汗的边... 展开



Abstract:2015 is a critical year for the evolution of the situation in Afghanistan,the situation in Afghanistan is still uncertain. The United States significantly reduced the number of troops in Afghanistan,the security situation in Afghanistan was seriously deteriorated,and internal contradictions,disagreement inside the Afghan Government and the combat effectiveness of the national army were worrying. At the same time,Taliban was also ... 展开

Abstract:2015 is a critical year for the evolution of the situation in Afghanistan,the situation in Afghanistan is still uncertain. The United States significantly reduced the number of troops in Afghanistan,the security situation in Afghanistan was seriously deteriorated,and internal contradictions,disagreement inside the Afghan Government and the combat effectiveness of the national army were worrying. At the same time,Taliban was also split,the internal struggle intensified. ISIS increased the intensity of infiltration in Afghanistan,making the situation more complex. The Central Asia and Afghanistan that linked by rivers and mountains directly affected the security situation in Central Asia. Especially in recent years,the security situation in northern Afghanistan deteriorated significantly,a large number of militants gathered in the border areas of Tajikistan and Afghanistan,Turkmenistan and Afghanistan constituted a direct threat to the countries of Central Asia. Islamic state of the infiltration to Afghanistan and the region of Central Asia made the countries of Central Asia face the growing threat of terrorism. Central Asian countries attached great importance to the impact of the situation in Afghanistan on the Central Asian region,and have actively taken various measures to deal with.



