文章摘要:在经济全球化的背景下,随着中国企业的持续发展,“走出去”成为更多企业不可避免的选择。投入全球化的市场中,中国各产业将面临更多的竞争。对此,如何通过贸易政策来保护本国的产业安全,提高各产业的竞争力,成为政府、产业界和理论界十分关注的问题。本文首先阐述了贸易政策和产业政策的含义及其协同关系,以更好地联系贸易政策与产业竞争力;其次分析了中国贸易政策在贸易便利化、出口退税等方面的调整,同时简要分析了欧盟、美国、日本等的促进出口政策并对其进行比... 展开
Abstract:With the continuing development of Chinese enterprises and the formation of the global competitive landscape,“go global strategy” becomes the inevitable choice for Chinese enterprises. Once entered into the global market,our various industries will face more competition. For that,it is the great concern by the government,industry and theorists that how to protect the country’s industrial security and improve the industrial comp... 展开