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作者:田德文 出版日期:2016年06月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10975 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2015~2016) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2015年欧洲难民危机是中东北非后冷战格局变化的结果。在国际政治层面上,这种变局与美国2003年后在中东激进地推行民主化,以及欧盟维持中东北非稳定的能力不足有关。中东变局发生后,欧盟国家失去“北非屏障”,中东地区的伊斯兰宗教极端势力蔓延,造成大量非法移民和难民涌入欧洲。在难民潮的冲击下,欧盟对后冷战时期的中东北非战略进行了反思,试图与中东北非国家建立更加平等的伙伴关系。巴黎恐怖袭击发生后,法国和欧盟其他国家把打击宗教极端势力作为中东战略的首要... 展开



Abstract:The 2015 European refugee crisis is a result of the changing political pattern in the MENA in the post-Cold War era. From the perspective international politics,such a change is linked directly with the United States’ radical democratization policy in the Middle East after 2003 and with the European Union’s inadequate capacity to maintain the stability of MENA. After the upheaval in the Middle East,the EU countries lost their “No... 展开

Abstract:The 2015 European refugee crisis is a result of the changing political pattern in the MENA in the post-Cold War era. From the perspective international politics,such a change is linked directly with the United States’ radical democratization policy in the Middle East after 2003 and with the European Union’s inadequate capacity to maintain the stability of MENA. After the upheaval in the Middle East,the EU countries lost their “North African barrier”,whilst the Islamic religious extremism is spreading in the Middle East,resulting in a large number of illegal immigrants and refugees flowing into Europe. Under the impact of the influx of refugees,the EU is rethinking its MENA strategy and endeavors to establish a more equal partnership with the MENA countries. After the terrorist attacks in Paris,France and the other EU countries turned to combating religious extremism as their primary strategic objective towards the Middle East,which will promote the multi-polarization process in this area,and Europe may thus become the “third force” after the US and Russia in the Middle East.


