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作者:范勇鹏 出版日期:2015年06月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16009 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国研究报告(2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年初,美国加州参议院拉美裔参议员赫尔南德斯提出的州参议院第5号宪法修正案(简称SCA-5)通过了参议院投票。这项修正案针对的是1996年加州209法案,要求取消209法案中关于在大学招生中不得考虑种族、肤色因素的语句。而209法案是对美国民权运动的一项重大成果——积极行动的修正。这场争议实质上涉及了对美国宪法精神的解释、美国最高法院的一系列重要判例和司法争议以及教育领域中的程序正义和补偿正义问题,具有重要的法律和政治意义。由于加州209法案是第一个成功... 展开



Abstract:The California Senate Constitutional Amendment No.5 was introduced by Senator Edward Hernandez to the California State Senate on December 3,2012 and was passed in the Senate on January 30,2014. The SCA-5 aims to eliminate California Proposition 209’s ban on the use of race,sex,color,ethnicity,or national origin in recruitment,admissions,and retention programs at California’ public universities and colleges. Because of the st... 展开

Abstract:The California Senate Constitutional Amendment No.5 was introduced by Senator Edward Hernandez to the California State Senate on December 3,2012 and was passed in the Senate on January 30,2014. The SCA-5 aims to eliminate California Proposition 209’s ban on the use of race,sex,color,ethnicity,or national origin in recruitment,admissions,and retention programs at California’ public universities and colleges. Because of the strong public reaction,especially from Chinese American Communities,Assembly Speaker John Pérez referred the measure back to the Senate on March 17,2014. From Proposition 209 to SCA-5,the State of California has been on the forward position of the evolution of Affirmative Action. Proposition 209 was the first state legislature which ended AA in public high education and SCA-5 was the first initiative against such legislatures in the U.S. The public debates over SCA-5 reflect a deep ambivalence about AA in American society as well as new challenges in California politics,especially those brought by the increasing ethnic diversity.


