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作者:沈海涛 李永强 出版日期:2014年11月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13836 字 所属丛书:吉林大学日本研究所日本研究论... 所属图书:安倍政权与日本未来 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“安倍主义”作为日本自民党安倍晋三政府的基本指导理念,是日本推行亚洲外交方针的基本。通过对“安倍主义”的分析,可以看出其根本用意在于对亚洲外交战略空间拓展的迫切追求。“安倍主义”指导下的日本亚洲外交政策在其实施过程中已开始显现出内在的矛盾性与盲动性。通过对“安倍主义”的分析,可以清晰地看到安倍政府的日本亚洲外交存在着局限性、非理性和不可持续性。基于对“安倍主义”与日本亚洲外交的分析及阶段性评估,可以认为“安倍主义”的悖论既反映了日本外... 展开



Abstract:As the basic guideline for the Asian diplomacy of Japan,the Abe Doctrine is the base to analyze the Japanese Asian diplomacy. The understanding of the Abe Doctrine is that Japan takes the pursuit to expand the diplomatic strategy space in Asia though the basic interpretation for the Abe Doctrine. There are the internal contradiction and the blindness obviously in the progress about the implementation of the Abe Doctrine's Asian diplo... 展开

Abstract:As the basic guideline for the Asian diplomacy of Japan,the Abe Doctrine is the base to analyze the Japanese Asian diplomacy. The understanding of the Abe Doctrine is that Japan takes the pursuit to expand the diplomatic strategy space in Asia though the basic interpretation for the Abe Doctrine. There are the internal contradiction and the blindness obviously in the progress about the implementation of the Abe Doctrine's Asian diplomacy,it has exhibited contrary to its fundamental principles in the progress of the implementation itself. Though review of the Abe Doctrine,it could make the analysis about its Asian diplomacy's obstacles. To the perspective of the Abe Doctrine,in the base of the evaluation to the implement of the Abe Doctrine,the restrictive factors of the Abe Doctrine are the crucial factor to influence the trend of the Abe Doctrine.



