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作者:李安山 出版日期:2015年12月 报告页数:21 页 报告大小: 报告字数:22031 字 所属图书:亚非研究(总第八辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:萨米尔·阿明曾认为,穆罕默德·阿里改革与日本的改革一样是19世纪在欧洲世界以外所进行的“唯一的现代化尝试”。1216935这种结论是不完全的。实际上,当时在亚洲还有泰国的拉玛五世改革、土耳其的坦志麦特改革及中国的洋务运动和戊戌变法等早期尝试。非洲大陆也有类似的改革,除北非的埃及、摩洛哥和突尼斯外,撒哈拉以南非洲有刚果王国、阿散蒂帝国、苏丹等国的改革,马达加斯加的“前工业化”运动以及埃塞俄比亚在社会、军事和经济诸方面的成功改革。这些改革的结果不同... 展开



Abstract:Samir.Amin thought,Muhammad.Ali’s reform with the reform in Japan was “the only modernized try” during the 19th century in the world except Europe. This conclusion is incomplete. In fact,at that time in Asia,Thailand Rama V reform,Turkey of Rolunteers matt and reform,China’s westernization reform movement and Wu Xu 1898. The African continent has similar reforms.In north Africa,besides Egypt,Morocco and Tunisia,in Sub-saha... 展开

Abstract:Samir.Amin thought,Muhammad.Ali’s reform with the reform in Japan was “the only modernized try” during the 19th century in the world except Europe. This conclusion is incomplete. In fact,at that time in Asia,Thailand Rama V reform,Turkey of Rolunteers matt and reform,China’s westernization reform movement and Wu Xu 1898. The African continent has similar reforms.In north Africa,besides Egypt,Morocco and Tunisia,in Sub-saharan Africa there are reforms in the kingdom of Congo,Ashanti Empire,Sultan and so on. “Pre-industrialization” movement in Madagascar and successful reforms about social,military and economic aspects in Ethiopia. The results of these reforms are different and have different effects. This article will analyze two kinds of reforms in African continent. One failed and was colonized by the European countries finally. Ethiopia is the other typical,as determination of leaders and on the premise of gradually unified land,thus the latter can defeat the invasion of Italy in the key period and ensure the national sovereignty in the process of imperialism carving up Africa. The initiative has set an example for another African countries,also established an important position of independence for Ethiopia in the continent of Africa.


