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作者:王成安 出版日期:2015年12月 报告页数:27 页 报告大小: 报告字数:27490 字 所属丛书:葡语国家蓝皮书 所属图书:葡语国家发展报告(2014~2015) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2014年世界经济缓慢复苏,新兴经济体平稳增长,中国经济发展步入新常态。葡语国家巴西、莫桑比克和几内亚比绍总统选举顺利而平稳,令国际社会刮目相看。亚洲和非洲葡语国家整体上经济社会发展表现突出,亚洲葡语国家东帝汶、非洲葡语国家莫桑比克和安哥拉三国异军突起。欧洲葡语国家葡萄牙、拉美葡语国家巴西分别面临不同经济和社会困境,葡萄牙退出国际救援计划,初步摆脱主权债务危机;巴西经济增长缓慢,面临前所未有的下行压力。中国与葡语国家领导人四次互访,极大促... 展开

文章摘要:2014年世界经济缓慢复苏,新兴经济体平稳增长,中国经济发展步入新常态。葡语国家巴西、莫桑比克和几内亚比绍总统选举顺利而平稳,令国际社会刮目相看。亚洲和非洲葡语国家整体上经济社会发展表现突出,亚洲葡语国家东帝汶、非洲葡语国家莫桑比克和安哥拉三国异军突起。欧洲葡语国家葡萄牙、拉美葡语国家巴西分别面临不同经济和社会困境,葡萄牙退出国际救援计划,初步摆脱主权债务危机;巴西经济增长缓慢,面临前所未有的下行压力。中国与葡语国家领导人四次互访,极大促进各方贸易与投资。中国与葡语国家合作方兴未艾,根据不同国别、不同情况,采取不同的合作方式。2015年受世界经济形势影响,有些葡语国家或继续保持较高经济增长,或摆脱困境。中国与所有葡语国家的友好合作得到进一步巩固与发展。Em 2014,assistiu-se a uma recuperação económica mundial lenta e a um crescimento moderado das economias emergentes,enquanto o desenvolvimento económico da China entrou nu


Abstract:In 2014,global economic recovery remained slow,emerging and developing economies have risen steadily,and Chinese economic situation has entered a new phase -“New Normal”. The political stability in time of the presidential elections in Portuguese-speaking countries including Brazil,Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau impressed the global society. The overall economic performance of Portuguese-speaking countries in Asia and Africa was p... 展开

Abstract:In 2014,global economic recovery remained slow,emerging and developing economies have risen steadily,and Chinese economic situation has entered a new phase -“New Normal”. The political stability in time of the presidential elections in Portuguese-speaking countries including Brazil,Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau impressed the global society. The overall economic performance of Portuguese-speaking countries in Asia and Africa was prominent,especially East Timor,Mozambique and Angola. Portugal and Brazil were faced with different social and economic issues,Portugal exited its international bailout program and regained the economic sovereignty;Brazil experienced a slowdown in economic growth. The leaders of China and Portuguese-speaking countries have made four times exchange of visits and promoted the commercial and economic cooperation forcefully. Cooperation between China and Portuguese-speaking countries is in ascendant,different strategies of bilateral exchange and cooperation method have been adopted depending on each country’s situation. In 2015,the economic trend of Portuguese-speaking countries will be affected by global economy situation. China will continue to consolidate and develop friendly cooperation with all Portuguese-speaking countries.


