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作者:刘立云 出版日期:2012年09月 报告页数:18 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15659 字 所属丛书:欧亚大陆桥发展蓝皮书 所属图书:欧亚大陆桥发展报告(2011~2012) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:欧亚大陆桥为中国和中亚各国开辟了以旅游资源为基础、历史文化为核心的目的地间新的合作空间。本文通过采用旅游地中心性指数对新丝绸之路21个节点城市进行评价和分析,拟在新丝绸之路中国段构建一个由一级旅游中心城市为主导,二级旅游中心城市为核心,三、四级旅游中心城市为支撑,旅游次中心城市为基础,结构合理、功能互补的旅游中心城市体系,辐射带动并逐渐培育“一极、三轴、五圈、五带”总体发展格局;进一步研究认为,以第二欧亚大陆桥为主轴的交通轴线是新丝绸之... 展开



Abstract:Asia-Europe Continental Bridge initially built for the Chinese and Central Asian countries opened up to tourism,based on history and culture as the core of the new cooperation between the destination space.Article by using tourism to central index to the new Silk Road cities in 21 node evaluation and analysis,to be built in the new Silk Road,a section of a Chinese tourist cities led by two tourist cities as the core,the three,four cit... 展开

Abstract:Asia-Europe Continental Bridge initially built for the Chinese and Central Asian countries opened up to tourism,based on history and culture as the core of the new cooperation between the destination space.Article by using tourism to central index to the new Silk Road cities in 21 node evaluation and analysis,to be built in the new Silk Road,a section of a Chinese tourist cities led by two tourist cities as the core,the three,four cities to support tourism and tourism sub-central city-based,reasonable structure,function and complementary tourism urban system,radiating and gradually cultivate"a pole,three-axis,five rings,five with"the overall pattern of development;furtherstudies suggest that,to the second Asia-Europe Continental Bridge as the main transport axis along the Silk Road tourism cooperation is a new support system,benefit-sharing is the new driving force for cooperation in tourism along the Silk Road,Silk Road tourism cooperation with the new implementation mechanismand the tourist center of urban development of specific measures with a view to the Asia-Europe Continental Bridge and cultural tourism development ideas and learn from.



