文章摘要:本文主要通过回顾澳大利亚对待“船民”的态度与政策来梳理澳大利亚政府对待“难民”的态度,以及澳大利亚社会各界所关注的焦点话题。“船民问题”实质上是澳大利亚政府处理难民问题的核心问题,因为如何对待船民及其引发的示范效应,一直以来都是澳大利亚政府及民间激烈争论的话题,更是澳大利亚执政党的棘手事务。本文首先梳理30多年来澳大利亚的“船民政策”,进而探讨“船民政策”背后的澳大利亚难民问题的本质所在。最后,在此基础上,分析澳大利亚对“难民”的政策与... 展开
Abstract:Refugee problem has always been a very important issue and caused high concern within Australian government and society. However,“boat people” is the key part of the issue. To the ruling parties,what matters most is how to deal with boat arrivals and what relevant policies should be made. Since the first boat people arrived in 1976,a series of debates on “boat people”policy appeared in Australia. The article firstly traces the ... 展开