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作者:张春宇 出版日期:2013年07月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14815 字 所属丛书:非洲黄皮书 所属图书:非洲发展报告No.15(2012~2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:南部非洲是非洲大陆经济最发达的次区域经济体之一。多年来,中国与南部非洲经贸合作发展顺利,取得了令人瞩目的成绩,但也存在诸多需要改善之处。未来双方经贸合作走势在很大程度上取决于该地区自身的发展战略和趋势以及中国对双方经贸合作现存问题的解决。本文结合南共体的经济发展和市场培育,南共体成员国的产业发展趋势,国际社会对南部非洲经贸合作的最新变化等进行综合分析,提出中国进一步加强与南部非洲合作的意义、原则和路径,并就如何解决目前双方合作面临的问... 展开



Abstract:Southern Africa is the most developed sub-region of Africa. Over the years,economic cooperation between China and Southern Africa has been developing smoothly,and has made significant achievements. The future of the bilateral economic cooperation will largely depend on the development trends of Southern African countries’ economic strategies,as well as the solutions of the existing problems of the bilateral economic cooperation. T... 展开

Abstract:Southern Africa is the most developed sub-region of Africa. Over the years,economic cooperation between China and Southern Africa has been developing smoothly,and has made significant achievements. The future of the bilateral economic cooperation will largely depend on the development trends of Southern African countries’ economic strategies,as well as the solutions of the existing problems of the bilateral economic cooperation. This paper reviews the economic development and industry development of the SADC member states in recent years and analyzes the latest development of economic cooperation between Southern Africa and other major economies of the world. Based on the above analysis,this paper points out the significance and the principles of the bilateral economic cooperation,and puts forward the path of the future cooperation. The last part of this paper gives some policy recommendations on how to solve the existing problems of the current cooperation between the two sides.


