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作者:石源华 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11826 字 所属丛书:复旦大学韩国研究丛书 所属图书:韩国研究论丛 第二十五辑(2013年第一辑) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中韩关系20年来得到了超乎寻常的发展,同时又存在层出不穷的问题和障碍,这是由其内在结构存在双重性决定的。一方面,双方在政治、安保、经济、文化诸方面存在着四大共点,这些共同利益为两国关系的高速发展提供了源源不断的动力;另一方面,双方在对美关系、对朝关系以及互相认知方面又存在三大内在结构性矛盾,这些分歧在一个相当长的历史时期内将难以从根本上消除。双边关系能否得到进一步的提升和发展,将取决于双方政策调整是否适度而且有力。为此,中韩战略合作伙伴... 展开



Abstract:In the past 20 years,while the relationship between China and ROK developed quickly,it also faced the endless problems and obstacles because of the dualism inner structure. On the one hand,the common political,security,economic and cultural interests promoted the rapid development of relations between the two countries;on the other hand,the three internal structural contradictions will hinder the further development of the rela... 展开

Abstract:In the past 20 years,while the relationship between China and ROK developed quickly,it also faced the endless problems and obstacles because of the dualism inner structure. On the one hand,the common political,security,economic and cultural interests promoted the rapid development of relations between the two countries;on the other hand,the three internal structural contradictions will hinder the further development of the relations between the two countries. Therefore,the construction of the strategic partnership relations between China and ROK can’t copy the existing construction mode of bilateral relations simply,this kind of partnership relations should be deepened gradually rather than one step reaches the designated position. The two countries should follow this course,i.e. from easy to difficult construction mode,and with the aid of common interests existed between two countries,overcome the three internal structural contradictions and realize the strategic cooperative partnership on a case-by-case basis.


