文章摘要:当前全球经贸格局正在发生深刻变化。2013年,多个大型FTA先后启动谈判,日本成为唯一同时参与亚太地区TPP、RCEP和中日韩FTA谈判的国家。这几种多边一体化形式各有特点,也都面临一些障碍和困难。比较而言,TPP先行的可能性较大。一旦TPP率先付诸实施,将会在亚太地区乃至全球构筑新的经贸规则和标准。出于政治、经济利益等考量,安倍政府今后将会积极参与和推进TPP,并继续在几种多边FTA谈判中寻找有利于自身的筹码。但是,要想顺利加入TPP或RCEP、中日韩FTA,日本需要解... 展开
Abstract:The global economic situation is undergoing profound changes. In 2013,negotiations of FTAs start successively. Japan is the only country in the Asia-pacific region which participate in all the negotiations of the TPP,RCEP and China-Japan-South Korea FTA. All the above arrangements of regional economic integration have different features and obstacles and difficulties. Among them,it is more probable for negotiation of TPP to be the ... 展开