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作者:张伯玉 出版日期:2014年03月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17748 字 所属丛书:日本蓝皮书 所属图书:日本研究报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2012年年底举行的众议院大选和2013年7月举行的参议院定期选举,是现代日本政治史上具有重要意义的国政选举。这两次国政选举,不仅使短暂失去执政权的自民党再度上台执政,并解决了困扰日本长达六年之久的朝野政党分治众参两院的非均衡国会结构,而且给日本政党政治的走向带来重要影响。战后长期以来发挥重要牵制作用的左翼革新政党在众议院的生存空间及其发挥的作用被进一步“压缩”,政党政治右倾化趋势将持续相当长的时期。自民党在保守偏右政治势力的领导下,将进一步... 展开



Abstract:The general election to the House of Representatives in December 2012 and the periodic election to the House of Councilors in July 2013 are two important parliamentary elections in the modern history of Japanese politics.The result of the two election enabled LDP to regain power and put an end to the “twisted Diet” in Japan,which had lasted for six years after the ruling and opposition parties respectively retained a majority of se... 展开

Abstract:The general election to the House of Representatives in December 2012 and the periodic election to the House of Councilors in July 2013 are two important parliamentary elections in the modern history of Japanese politics.The result of the two election enabled LDP to regain power and put an end to the “twisted Diet” in Japan,which had lasted for six years after the ruling and opposition parties respectively retained a majority of seats in two houses of Japanese Diet.It has a profound impact on the Japanese party politics,further strengthening the trend of political right deviation and reducing the influence and living space of the left-wing,revolutionary parties which have played a balancing role in the post-war era. Under the leadership of ideological conservative rightists,LDP will more actively pursue Japan’s rise as “a normal country” and a military power. How the leftist parties react to the situation and improve their own political influence remains a key task.



