文章摘要:亚太经济体2014年增长稳中略降,预计经济增速为5.4%,比2013年低0.1个百分点,区内新兴市场国家和发达国家的经济增长均有所放缓。2014年,亚太国家的通货膨胀水平较上年出现下降;货币走势相对前两年较为平稳,没有发生大规模贬值潮;经常账户水平变化不大,并未出现显著失衡。尽管亚太地区的复苏态势仍领先全球,但其增长速度正在趋缓,这成为未来亚太地区增长的“新常态”。全球最活跃的亚太新兴市场预计难以回到危机前的高增长,需要各国积极制定政策予以应对。 展开
Abstract:In 2014,the economic performance of Asia-Pacific region declined slightly. The growth rate was expected to be around 5.4%,and was 0.1 percent lower than 2013. The growth rates slowed down for both developing and developed economies within this region. In 2014,the inflation pressure relieved a little;currency trend remained stable generally,and there was no large wave of depreciation;current account did not change much,and there... 展开