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作者:李展鹏 出版日期:2009年04月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11310 字 所属丛书:澳门蓝皮书 所属图书:澳门经济社会发展报告(2008~2009) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:过去几年,在赌业的迅速发展下,澳门的艺术与文学有了质与量的转变。在量方面,一方面公演的文艺节目与观众人数增多,另一方面民间亦兴起不少新的艺术团体;在质方面,不少艺术及文学作品的内容积极回应社会变化,思考本土问题,形成本土意识。另外,不少国际级演出也到访澳门,增添文艺气息。此外,澳门的艺术文化亦有对内扎根与对外发展的倾向。澳门演艺学院的专业化计划为表演艺术的长远发展奠下基石,而不少艺术团体则把作品带到澳门以外的地方,踏上走出澳门的一步。... 展开



Abstract:Under the rapid development of the casino business,the quality and quantity of art and literature in Macao have changed significantly in recent years. In terms of quantity,there is an increase in the number of audience,art performances and organizations. In terms of quality,more works of art and literature energetically respond to the changing society and local issues. In addition,the development of art tends to be rooted more de... 展开

Abstract:Under the rapid development of the casino business,the quality and quantity of art and literature in Macao have changed significantly in recent years. In terms of quantity,there is an increase in the number of audience,art performances and organizations. In terms of quality,more works of art and literature energetically respond to the changing society and local issues. In addition,the development of art tends to be rooted more deeply and to expand more actively than before. The professionalization of the local art institute Macao Conservatory has set a foundation stone for the development of performing art in Macao. At the same time,some artists and their organizations have taken some steps out of Macao,showing the audience outside Macao their art pieces. However,the development of art and literature are tackling some structural problems including the lack of space for rehearsal and performance,the problematic policy of the governmental subsidy,the separation of the related governmental departments and the absence of a macro-scale policy for art and culture.


