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作者:刘畅 出版日期:2013年08月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:12307 字 所属丛书:韩国蓝皮书 所属图书:韩国发展报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2009年末伴随着苹果公司的iPhone登陆韩国市场,起步较晚的韩国,却以惊人的速度开启了智能手机的大众化时代。截至2012年年底,韩国智能手机用户突破3000万户,4G LTE用户也呈快速增长态势。在高速无线通信网络的支撑下,手机的最主要功能已不再是单纯的语音通话,网络连接和软件应用成为用户选择智能手机的最主要原因。日益智能化的手机在社会生活的方方面面为韩国人带来了便利,但其负面影响也在逐渐显现。

Abstract:Apple Company launched iPhone in Korean market in the late 2009.However,as a follower,Korea opened new era of the Smart phone.By the late 2012,the number of Smart phone users was up to 30 million,while the 4G LTE users also became more.Under the underpinning of high-speed wireless communication network,the major function of phone is not only limited to voice call,but also includes internet connection and software application that are ... 展开

Abstract:Apple Company launched iPhone in Korean market in the late 2009.However,as a follower,Korea opened new era of the Smart phone.By the late 2012,the number of Smart phone users was up to 30 million,while the 4G LTE users also became more.Under the underpinning of high-speed wireless communication network,the major function of phone is not only limited to voice call,but also includes internet connection and software application that are the major reasons why users choose smart phone.Despite smarter phone brings a lot of convenience for Korean people,the negative effects have emerged.



刘畅:四川大学新闻专业硕士。中央广播电视总台国广(原中国国际广播电台 )驻巴基斯坦首席记者。出版著作有《撒哈拉之南——女记者的非洲视界》《津巴布韦本土化政策及其对中资企业的影响》。