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作者:魏志江 出版日期:2011年06月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14506 字 所属丛书:韩国蓝皮书 所属图书:韩国发展报告(2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:天安舰事件,不仅导致了冷战后东北亚安全格局的基本特征发生重大变化,即相对缓和稳定的南北关系演变为韩朝全面政治对抗和军事对峙的格局,而且也强化了以美国为主导的韩美同盟和日美同盟对东北亚安全格局的支配地位,增强了美、日、韩三国对朝鲜半岛和东北亚的战略影响力和遏制力。此外,由于天安舰事件,韩国面临着新的安保战略的选择,只要韩国从实现朝鲜半岛长期和平稳定和无核化以及最终实现统一的战略目标出发,制定积极的对朝鲜综合性的安保战略,朝鲜半岛能够控制... 展开



Abstract:The Cheonan Incident had not only resulted in substantial changes in the security pattern of post-Cold War Northeast Asia,i.e.,from the relative ease and stability between North and South Korea to all-rounded political and military confrontation,but also in the intensification of the domineering role of the US-led US-RK and US-Japan alliances in the security issues of Northeast Asia,leading to stronger influences and containment f... 展开

Abstract:The Cheonan Incident had not only resulted in substantial changes in the security pattern of post-Cold War Northeast Asia,i.e.,from the relative ease and stability between North and South Korea to all-rounded political and military confrontation,but also in the intensification of the domineering role of the US-led US-RK and US-Japan alliances in the security issues of Northeast Asia,leading to stronger influences and containment from the US,Japan and the RK upon the Peninsula. The Incident,however,also offered the RK possibilities of new security strategies. The tense situation on the Peninsula will be controlled and the relationship between the North and South Korea is bound to blaze back to the strategic trail of co-existence and common prosperity as long as the RK could carry out a comprehensive security strategy for its north neighbor in the spirit of realizing a enduring peace and stability,denuclearization,and the ultimate goal of peaceful reunification.


