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作者:本书编写组 出版日期:2011年06月 报告页数:32 页 报告大小: 报告字数:31323 字 所属丛书:韩国蓝皮书 所属图书:韩国发展报告(2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2010年对于韩国来说是极不平凡的一年。天安舰沉没事件、执政党地方选举失利、“世宗市修正案”遭国会否决、延坪岛炮击事件、口蹄疫蔓延等一系列重大事件给韩国政府和民众带来了严峻的挑战。特别是天安舰沉没和延坪岛炮击等突发事件不仅关乎韩国的国家利益,也关乎朝鲜半岛乃至整个东北亚地区的安全局势。因此,对于这些事件的处理,考验着韩国政府应对大型突发事件的智慧和能力,也考验着韩国民众的心理承受能力和理性判断能力。韩国政府针对天安舰沉没事件和延坪岛炮击事... 展开



Abstract:In the year 2010,the Republic of Korea has been confronted with the serious challenges brought by major events such as the Cheonan Incident,losses in local election for the party in office,the parliament’s rejection of the revised bill on Sejong City,the Yeonpyeong Island Incident,and the spread of foot and mouth disease,etc.Breaking accidents such as the Cheonan Incident and the Yeonpyeong Island Incident in particular had cle... 展开

Abstract:In the year 2010,the Republic of Korea has been confronted with the serious challenges brought by major events such as the Cheonan Incident,losses in local election for the party in office,the parliament’s rejection of the revised bill on Sejong City,the Yeonpyeong Island Incident,and the spread of foot and mouth disease,etc.Breaking accidents such as the Cheonan Incident and the Yeonpyeong Island Incident in particular had clear bearing on not only the RK’s national interests,but also on the security of the Korean Peninsula and the Northeast Asia at large.Hence the handling of such events had put the RK’s government in a test on the tactics of addressing major emergencies,and also had tested its people’s mental strength and rational judgment. Measures taken by the RK’s government had impact on the relationship between North and South Korean,and the international relationship with powers such as China,the US,Japan and Russia as well. Meanwhile,they had cast tremendous influences upon the domestic affairs and public opinion. The year 2011 will be the fourth year of Lee Myung-bak’s administration. Trying to break away from the doomed lame-ducking of his predecessors,Lee will have to exert himself to the utmost in the implementation of his policies.It is anticipated that there will not be major changes in the RK’s basic tone of foreign policies. Aiming at maintaining the general situation of peace and stability of the Peninsula,the country,with“constructing first-class developed country”as its goal,will endeavor to conduct all-rounded and diversified diplomatic moves based on the further strengthening of RK-US military alliance. The RK’s government had set economic goals for 2011 at a growth rate of 5%,the accomplishment of which,however,will entail efforts to overcome difficulties from both home and abroad,such as the rise in prices of raw materials and oil,the ever more intensified competition in exporting trade,etc.


