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作者:何兴强 出版日期:2013年06月 报告页数:28 页 报告大小: 报告字数:26861 字 所属丛书:美国蓝皮书 所属图书:美国问题研究报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:美国自2005年开发页岩气、致密油等非常规油气以来,油气产量迅速增加,在2009年成为世界第一大天然气生产国,并有可能在未来20年内成为世界第一石油生产国。石化业等美国制造业也在低成本能源的推动下竞争力增加,走向复兴,并推动着美国经济和就业形势继续好转,使美国的对外能源依赖度下降,能源独立目标取得突破。尽管页岩气、致密油的开发仍然面临着油气储量、市场不确定以及环境污染等几个重要制约因素,但从目前来看,这场源自技术进步的能源革命在美国是可以持续的... 展开



Abstract:The shale gas revolution and the development of the tight oil and other unconventional oil as well as gas since 2005 have contributed greatly to the rapid increase of the U.S. oil and gas production.The U.S.became the world's largest natural gas producer in 2009 and probably will develop into the biggest oil supplier in the world in less than 20 years.Based on the low cost energy supply caused by the shale gas revolution,petrochemical... 展开

Abstract:The shale gas revolution and the development of the tight oil and other unconventional oil as well as gas since 2005 have contributed greatly to the rapid increase of the U.S. oil and gas production.The U.S.became the world's largest natural gas producer in 2009 and probably will develop into the biggest oil supplier in the world in less than 20 years.Based on the low cost energy supply caused by the shale gas revolution,petrochemicals and other relevant American manufacturing industries are "coming back" with enhanced competitiveness,which is boosting the U.S.economy and creating more jobs.The shale gas and tight oil revolution also helped the U.S.reduce its dependence on imported energy and make breakthrough toward the goal of energy independence.Although some critical uncertainties lie in oil and natural markets:unstable data on shale gas reserve,as well as the environment protection pressure,the energy revolution originated from technology innovation is sustainable in the U.S.,and is expected to have positive effects on American economic competitiveness and the American power.



何兴强:中国社会科学院美国研究所副研究员 ,法学博士。