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作者:张金岭 出版日期:2011年03月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11709 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2010~2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2010年,荷兰与比利时均因政治危机而导致政府内阁解散,提前举行大选。由于两国都未产生拥有单独组阁资格的多数党,新内阁组建谈判困难重重,但政治危机并未对两国经济产生很大影响,经济逐步回暖。比利时在大选中暴露出的政治与社会问题非常严重,国家面临着分裂危险。卢森堡政治稳定,经济平稳复苏,迫于国际社会的压力进行涉及税收的银行业法律改革。在外交方面,荷、比、卢三国均提议将无核武器的理念引入“北约新战略”的讨论中,并要求美国尽快撤除它在欧洲境内部署... 展开



Abstract:In 2010 snap general elections were held in both the Netherlands and Belgium due to the government dissolution resulted from their respective political crises. Since no single majority party had been elected who met the conditions of forming a one-party government in either of these two countries,grueling negotiations had been undergone before the formation of the new governments. However,the political crises have not exerted too gr... 展开

Abstract:In 2010 snap general elections were held in both the Netherlands and Belgium due to the government dissolution resulted from their respective political crises. Since no single majority party had been elected who met the conditions of forming a one-party government in either of these two countries,grueling negotiations had been undergone before the formation of the new governments. However,the political crises have not exerted too great a negative effect on the economy of both countries,which began to recover gradually. Very severe political and social problems have been exposed in the Belgian general election,which once brought the state to the verge of being split. On the other hand,both the political and economic situations of Luxembourg remain steady,but it was forced by the international pressures to reform its banking legislation in relation to taxation. In the field of foreign relations,all the three Benelux countries propose introducing the ‘no-nukes’ idea into the discussions about the ‘New Strategic Concept’ of the NATO and called on the US to withdraw as soon as possible all the nuclear weapons stationed in Europe.



