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作者:田德文 出版日期:2011年03月 报告页数:10 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10382 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2010~2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:金融危机对欧洲的福利国家制度造成了全面的挑战,多数欧盟国家的失业率急剧上升,降低了劳方的谈判能力,劳资关系进一步向资方倾斜。同时,欧盟各国救市计划增加了政府预算的负担,福利国家的公共财政压力进一步加剧。这种情况对崇尚公平的欧洲国家的社会心理造成了影响,公众在不同层面上的焦虑和愤懑都有所上升。但是,为了减少公共开支的压力,不少国家仍不得不在公众抗议声中继续推出福利改革的措施。总的看来,福利国家制度对欧洲各国平稳渡过金融危机起到了积极作用... 展开



Abstract:Wide-ranging challenges have been brought about by the financial crisis on the European welfare state system,with abrupt mounting of unemplo ent rate in most of the EU countries,which in turn weakened the negotiating ability of the labour vis-a-vis the capital. In the meantime,the bailout plans further aggravated the burdens exerted on national governments’ budget,thus making more severe the pressures on the public finance of the... 展开

Abstract:Wide-ranging challenges have been brought about by the financial crisis on the European welfare state system,with abrupt mounting of unemplo ent rate in most of the EU countries,which in turn weakened the negotiating ability of the labour vis-a-vis the capital. In the meantime,the bailout plans further aggravated the burdens exerted on national governments’ budget,thus making more severe the pressures on the public finance of the welfare states. The negative effects produced by this situation on the social psychology of the Europeans cherishing profound reverence for justice has accentuated the anxiety and anger of the public at a variety of levels. However,in order to lessen the pressures on public expenditure,a number of countries were forced to continue their welfare reforms in the face of the public’s protests. Generally speaking,the welfare state system has played a positive role for the European countries to come through the financial crisis smoothly. But on the other hand,the long-term pressures for the welfare states to conduct further reforms have obviously been increased.


