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作者:赵俊杰 出版日期:2010年02月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11590 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2009~2010) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2008年底,因法国总统萨科齐不顾中方劝阻,执意以“法国总统”和“欧盟轮值主席国元首”的双重身份会见达赖喇嘛,导致中法关系倒退,中欧关系再掀波澜。此后,中欧关系进入修补、恢复阶段。在此期间,中国在应对世界金融危机中的表现给欧洲各国留下了深刻印象,使它们进一步认识到对华合作的重要意义;特别是在双方同样遭遇经济危机的冲击时,中方不计前嫌,援手欧洲,共同应对危机,使中欧关系迅速得到好转。但是,中欧关系中的负面因素仍然存在,并不时影响中欧关系的健... 展开



Abstract:In the end of 2008,in spite of China’s persuasion,the French President Sarkozy persisted in meeting with Dalai Lama in his dual capacities as both the French president and the head of the EU’s rotating presidency country,which brought serious harms to China-France relations and undermined the political foundations of China-Europe ties. Since then,the bilateral relations entered a period of reparation and restoration,during whic... 展开

Abstract:In the end of 2008,in spite of China’s persuasion,the French President Sarkozy persisted in meeting with Dalai Lama in his dual capacities as both the French president and the head of the EU’s rotating presidency country,which brought serious harms to China-France relations and undermined the political foundations of China-Europe ties. Since then,the bilateral relations entered a period of reparation and restoration,during which remarkable performance of Chinese economy in the financial crisis left a deep impression on the EU,who further recognized the significance of cooperating with China. More importantly,despite former disputes,China offered a cooperative hand to the EU trapped tightly in the financial crisis,which led to significant improvements of China-EU relations after twists and turns. However,some of the negative factors still exist which are affecting and will affect the healthy development of the bilateral relations now and then.


