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作者:傅聪 出版时间:2010年02月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13938 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2009~2010) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2009年是欧盟应对气候变化政策发展的关键一年。欧盟提出气候变化适应战略,使气候政策扩展为“减缓+适应”的双支柱制度体系。在“气候外交”方面,为推动2009年底在哥本哈根达成2012年后联合国应对气候变化的制度框架,欧盟提出《哥本哈根气候变化综合协议》,全面阐述了欧盟对下阶段全球气候合作的观点和设想。这标志着欧盟以气候政策为平台,在对内保护环境、实现可持续发展、提升竞争力,对外以“绿色”影响力提升欧盟在国际舞台中地位的战略已初步成熟。但欧盟目标的... 展开



Abstract:The year of 2009 was crucial for the EU’s policy in response to climate change. The EU put forward a climate adaptation strategy which expands its climate policy to a bi-pillar institutional system covering both mitigation and adaptation. In the respect of climate diplomacy,in order to reach a consensus on the UN’s institutional framework for countering climate change after 2012,the EU proposed “a comprehensive agreement on clima... 展开

Abstract:The year of 2009 was crucial for the EU’s policy in response to climate change. The EU put forward a climate adaptation strategy which expands its climate policy to a bi-pillar institutional system covering both mitigation and adaptation. In the respect of climate diplomacy,in order to reach a consensus on the UN’s institutional framework for countering climate change after 2012,the EU proposed “a comprehensive agreement on climate change in Copenhagen”,in which the EU fully expounded its vision and ideas for global cooperation on climate change at the next stage. All the above efforts indicated that the EU has become initially mature in its climate strategy aimed at protecting environment,achieving sustainable development and upgrading competitiveness,as well as promoting its international influence. However,to achieve the abovementioned objectives,the EU is supposed to face not only the tests of international variables,but the internal disputes between various interests.



