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作者:杨解朴 出版日期:2012年03月 报告页数:11 页 报告大小: 报告字数:9829 字 所属丛书:欧洲蓝皮书 所属图书:欧洲发展报告(2011~2012) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:本年度德国黑黄执政联盟民调支持率持续走低,在7个联邦州的州选举中遭受重创。2011年,黑黄政府迅速而彻底地改变了核能政策,启动了联邦国防军改革。德国经济增长轻度放缓,进出口创新高,通胀居高不下,劳动力市场需求旺盛。人口老龄化和老年贫困状况加剧,专业人才短缺。在对外关系中,欧元区的债务危机成为德国需要面对的最艰巨的任务和最大的挑战,德国在利比亚危机后推出利比亚战后重建计划协助德国企业抢滩利比亚市场。2011年,中德启动了政府磋商机制,推进双方全... 展开



Abstract:A campaign for French presidential election has already started long before the opening bell rings, with parties on both the left and right wings entering a final stage of fierce competition. As is shown by the recent polls, approval ratings of the ruling party led by President Sarkozy has fallen behind that of the Social Party, and the far-right is gaining strength. In the first quarter of 2011, the French economy experienced a GDP g... 展开

Abstract:A campaign for French presidential election has already started long before the opening bell rings, with parties on both the left and right wings entering a final stage of fierce competition. As is shown by the recent polls, approval ratings of the ruling party led by President Sarkozy has fallen behind that of the Social Party, and the far-right is gaining strength. In the first quarter of 2011, the French economy experienced a GDP growth stronger than expected, which shrunk after that under the impact of the debt crisis. In addition, constrained by the presidential election campaign, it is not easy for the government to realize its objective of cutting deficits. To secure support from the electorate, President Sarkozy made use of the issues of immigration and the far-right powers, leading to an atmosphere of Xenophobia and hatred to foreigners. As the rotating presidency of both the G8 and G20, France is playing an active role in diplomatic affairs. And as the first country to wage war towards Libya, France has attracted wide-ranging attention from the international society.



