文章摘要:为解决利比亚危机,联合国安理会第一次适用保护责任原则,通过了关于利比亚问题的决议,法国、英国、美国等国据此对利比亚实施了空中打击。这一实践对未来国际法与国际关系的走向将会产生重大影响,它表明传统国际法的许多重大原则在经受挑战,国际法处于转变之中。从欧洲国家在应对利比亚危机中的实践来看,在国际法上有四个方面的变化特别值得关注:(1)关于在国际关系中使用武力与和平解决国际争端问题;(2)保护责任与使用武力的理由;(3)使用武力与不干涉内政原则;(4)... 展开
Abstract:After the end of the Cold War, the EU re-assessed the security challenges faced by Europe. It is widely believed that the main threats be those non-traditional ones which could neither be solved by military actions nor prevented by improving internal security systems. Therefore, the EU has adopted a pro-intervention approach. It has taken various measures to reinforce its capability to act within the Common Security and Defence Policy... 展开