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作者:薛力 出版日期:2012年12月 报告页数:19 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17785 字 所属丛书:国际形势黄皮书 所属图书:全球政治与安全报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:最近几年,全球能源产业领域美洲板块快速“隆起”,其对全球经济与政治领域的影响正逐步体现:美国对中东石油的依赖度下降,其中东政策孕育着变化,俄罗斯能源地位下降,中东、中国、俄罗斯等国家的经济政治关系深化。研究发现,阿根廷多变的能源政策影响了页岩气产量的提升;普京上台后俄罗斯与其他国家的能源纠纷可能会增加;苏丹与南苏丹的能源纠纷在短期内难以根除;国际社会对伊朗的制裁导致伊朗经济陷入困境,但无法让伊朗放弃核计划;各国反思福岛核泄漏事故后确定... 展开



Abstract:In recent years,the rise of the American plate has been a dramatic phenomenon in global energy.Some consequences of this rise are emerging:the United States is reducing its dependence on petroleum from the Middle East and is adjusting its foreign policy toward the region accordingly;the position of Russia in terms of global energy has relatively declined;and the Middle East,China,and Russia are strengthening their political and econom... 展开

Abstract:In recent years,the rise of the American plate has been a dramatic phenomenon in global energy.Some consequences of this rise are emerging:the United States is reducing its dependence on petroleum from the Middle East and is adjusting its foreign policy toward the region accordingly;the position of Russia in terms of global energy has relatively declined;and the Middle East,China,and Russia are strengthening their political and economic ties.The author presents the following findings:the production of shale gas in Argentina is increasing very slowly because of frequent policy changes;energy conflicts between Russia and other countries will probably escalate after Putin's return to the presidency;in the near future it will be difficult to eliminate the energy disputes between Sudan and South Sudan;international sanctions have produced an economic dilemma in Iran,but Iran will not forgo its nuclear program due to foreign pressures;and the nuclear accident in Fukushima resulted in all countries with nuclear power plants to review their nuclear power policies;however,most of them have decided to proceed with their nuclear plans.


