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作者:徐梅 出版日期:2014年05月 报告页数:13 页 报告大小: 报告字数:11586 字 所属丛书:日本经济蓝皮书 所属图书:日本经济与中日经贸关系研究报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:改革开放以来,日本对华直接投资迅速扩大,成为中国吸引外资的主要来源之一,并带动了中日贸易的发展。近几年,中国经济增速趋缓,劳动力等生产要素成本不断上升,成为影响日本企业对华中长期投资的负面因素。2012年9月,日本单方面挑起钓鱼岛争端,致使中日关系急剧恶化,给双边经贸合作及各自的经济发展带来影响,日本企业对华直接投资意愿降低。今后日本对东南亚和中国投资此消彼长的状况将会持续,但拥有巨大市场的中国,作为日企重要投资对象的地位在短期内尚不会改... 展开



Abstract:Since the reform and opening-up policy adopted by China,the direct investment from Japan increased rapidly,and has become a major source of foreign investment in China,which has led to the development of trade between China and Japan.In recent years,China’s economy growth slowed down,and labor and other factors of production costs continue to rise,which become negative factors affecting long-term investment of Japan’s companie... 展开

Abstract:Since the reform and opening-up policy adopted by China,the direct investment from Japan increased rapidly,and has become a major source of foreign investment in China,which has led to the development of trade between China and Japan.In recent years,China’s economy growth slowed down,and labor and other factors of production costs continue to rise,which become negative factors affecting long-term investment of Japan’s companies in China.In September 2012,because of the dispute over the Diaoyu Islands incited unilaterally by Japan,Sino-Japan relations deteriorated sharply,which has brought about some impacts on bilateral economic and trade cooperation and mutual economic development,and also makes the desire to invest in China of Japan’s companies reduced.Japan’s direct investment in Southeast Asia and China will continue to shift in the future,but as an important investment destination of Japan’s companies,the status of China which has a huge market will not change.


