文章摘要:2008年9月金融危机爆发以来,全球贸易环境恶化,缔结自由贸易协定(FTA)、建立自由贸易区成为各国和地区规避贸易保护主义风险、促进贸易稳定发展、应对危机的一个重要途径。日本也加快了推进本国“经济伙伴协定”(EPA)458047战略的步伐,在谈判对象、市场开放、区域化对策等方面出现了一些新动向和特点。日本积极推进EPA战略,一方面有利于其避免在经济全球化和区域化潮流中被边缘化的损失,从贸易投资自由化中获取一定的经济利益;另一方面,也有助于扩大自身在本地区... 展开
Abstract:Since the eruption of the global financial crisis in September 2008,the environment for global trade worsened.Signing Free Trade Agreements(FTA)and establishing free trade areas have become,for nearly every country and area,an important way to avoid the risk of trade protectionism,to promote for stable trade development and to deal with the financial crisis.Japan has also been accelerating the pace of promoting its Economic Part... 展开