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作者:苏畅 张昊 出版日期:2014年09月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:16156 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2014) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2013年乌兹别克斯坦政局保持稳定,乌政府致力于提高居民生活水平,改善民生,缓和社会矛盾,总体状况良好;随着美国及北约联军撤离阿富汗,阿富汗及周边地区的安全形势逐渐呈现复杂化局面,乌着重维护国内稳定。经济继续保持高速增长,改革有序进行,全年GDP增长8.5%。对外关系方面,乌俄关系继续保持稳定,但有所疏远;乌美因阿富汗撤军等合作,乌美关系不断得到增强;乌中关系迈上新的台阶,战略伙伴关系得到进一步深化和发展;乌哈建立战略伙伴关系,或改变地区关系格... 展开



Abstract:During the year of 2013,Uzbekhstan maintained its political stability,with its government committed to imroving its citizens’ living standard and livelihood,and defusing its social conflicts,with a result of good performance as a whole. With the US and NATO’s forthcoming military withdrawal from Afganistan,Uzbekhstan focuses on its domestic stability as the security situation in Afganistan and its neighboring region is looming ... 展开

Abstract:During the year of 2013,Uzbekhstan maintained its political stability,with its government committed to imroving its citizens’ living standard and livelihood,and defusing its social conflicts,with a result of good performance as a whole. With the US and NATO’s forthcoming military withdrawal from Afganistan,Uzbekhstan focuses on its domestic stability as the security situation in Afganistan and its neighboring region is looming as a great complexity. Uzbekhstan’s economy kept on growing at a high rate,with its reform going on in good order,and its GDP hike reaching 8.5%. As for dipolomacy,the relations between Uzbekhstan and Russia continued to keep steady,though somewhat distanced without great change. The relations between Uzbekhstan and the US were continuously consolidated due to their bilateral cooperation on the military withdrawal from Afganistan. The relations between Uzbekhstan and China scaled a new height,their strategic partnership further deepened and developed. Uzbekhstan and Karsakstan established strategic partnership and became strategic partners,which would probably change the framework of the regional relations. There were still some conflicting relations of relative tenseness between Uzbekhstan and Kyrgyzstan,and also between Uzbekhstan and Tajikistan. Uzbekhstan attaches importance to cooperation in the economic field,and to attracting foreign investment and infrastructural construction in particular,thinking that China has certain influence in the SCO. The SCO provides a good platform for the two countries to develop friendly cooperative relations.



