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作者:朱继东 出版日期:2013年05月 报告页数:9 页 报告大小: 报告字数:8023 字 所属丛书:世界社会主义黄皮书 No.1 所属图书:世界社会主义跟踪研究报告(2012~2013)(上) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:“维基解密”从2010年11月开始陆续公布了25万多份美国各驻外使领馆同国务院之间的电报,彻底激怒了美国。因此,阿桑奇和“维基解密”成为以美国为首的一些西方国家的眼中钉、肉中刺,美国国际刑警组织、国际组织以及英国等西方国家政府对其进行“围剿”。美国等西方国家已经撕下言论自由的虚伪面纱,让更多人看清其言论自由的本质,认识到言论自由已经成为美国等西方国家手中的一根任其随意挥舞的大棒,如果你揭露西方国家的罪恶行径和险恶用心就是“间谍”、“强奸犯”或... 展开



Abstract:Since November 2010,WikiLeaks has released more than 25000 telegrams between the United States embassies and its Department of State. This behavior angered the U.S.,and WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange have become the “thorns in the flesh”of U.S. and other Western countries. And therefore they have come under attack from the U.S. Interpol,some international organizations as well as Britain and other Western governments. W... 展开

Abstract:Since November 2010,WikiLeaks has released more than 25000 telegrams between the United States embassies and its Department of State. This behavior angered the U.S.,and WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange have become the “thorns in the flesh”of U.S. and other Western countries. And therefore they have come under attack from the U.S. Interpol,some international organizations as well as Britain and other Western governments. Western countries have removed the hypocrite veil covering freedom of speech,let more people see the essence of the freedom of speech that if you expose crimes and evil intentions in the Western countries,they called you spy,rapist and terrorist,but if you disclose the Chinese secret even disinformation attacking the Chinese Communist Party and the socialist system they called you fighter for democracy,for human rights defender or for freedom .


