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作者:王俊生 出版日期:2013年01月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13117 字 所属丛书:亚太蓝皮书 所属图书:亚太地区发展报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:wirh the death of Kim Jong Il and the top leadership transition of some Northeast Asian countries, the situation the of the Korea Peninsula islike one person walking on thin ice. However, the situation is relatively stable since both DPRK and ROK try to prevent it from getting out of control, despite remaining tension. Meanwhile, the policies China and US have adopted also contributed to this result. In the near term, the situation of... 展开

Abstract:wirh the death of Kim Jong Il and the top leadership transition of some Northeast Asian countries, the situation the of the Korea Peninsula islike one person walking on thin ice. However, the situation is relatively stable since both DPRK and ROK try to prevent it from getting out of control, despite remaining tension. Meanwhile, the policies China and US have adopted also contributed to this result. In the near term, the situation of Korea Peninsula will possibly be further improved because positive domestic change in DPRK and the shared will of every candidate of general election in ROK to improve the relation with DPRK. China and US should continue to work together and walk in the same direction in order to maintain this trend.


