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作者:李志斐 出版日期:2011年01月 报告页数:14 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13742 字 所属丛书:亚太蓝皮书 所属图书:亚太地区发展报告(2011) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中国是跨国界河流数量比较丰富的国家,中国与周边国家之间出现的跨国界河流问题主要集中在水环境污染与保护、水资源分配与利用开发等方面。跨国界河流问题的产生与发展将对中国周边关系的良性发展构成消极影响,并为区域外国家插手中国周边事务创造时机。中国对跨国界河流问题的处理一贯持积极姿态,在主动与周边国家开展国际航道开发利用、水情预报与信息共享等合作的同时,坚决反对和抵制有关“中国水威胁论”的攻击。基于跨国界河流的特性和中国与周边国家共同发展的诉... 展开



Abstract:China is one country with abundant trans-boundary rivers.The trans-boundary river issues emerged in recent years mainly concentrated in water pollution and protection,water resources allocation,utilize and development.The existence and development of these issues would constitute negative impacts on the Chinese periphery relationship sounding development and could offer opportunity for countries outside region to interfere Chinese p... 展开

Abstract:China is one country with abundant trans-boundary rivers.The trans-boundary river issues emerged in recent years mainly concentrated in water pollution and protection,water resources allocation,utilize and development.The existence and development of these issues would constitute negative impacts on the Chinese periphery relationship sounding development and could offer opportunity for countries outside region to interfere Chinese periphery affairs.China always keeps positive attitude to the solution of the trans-boundary river issues,cooperated with periphery countries in the fields of developing and utilize on the international sea land,information and data sharing,and so on.China resolutely opposed any attack remarks about“China water treat”or“China dam threat”.Based on the naturals of the trans-boundary and the demands of China and periphery countries development,in the future,China should joint periphery countries to establish a set of cooperation and coordination mechanisms including management,development,prevention and emergency,enhance mutual security trust,promote the solution and prevention of the trans-boundary issues,build peaceful and stable periphery security environment.


