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作者:刘月琴 出版日期:2013年11月 报告页数:20 页 报告大小: 报告字数:17542 字 所属丛书:中东黄皮书 所属图书:中东发展报告No.15(2012~2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:无论是世界霸权国家,还是地区大国,都对叙利亚安全产生了严重影响。说到底,叙利亚危机还是美俄之间的博弈,无论是联合国会议,还是日内瓦会议,或是八国峰会,主角都是美俄。美国和欧盟在叙利亚推行新干涉主义,不仅给叙利亚而且给整个中东地区造成了安全困境。美欧奉行的新干涉主义成为叙利亚安全的主要威胁,土耳其和以色列火上浇油,对叙利亚和中东地区安全同样构成了威胁和挑战。叙利亚不仅面临世界霸权国家的安全挑战,还要面对地区大国的挑衅,安全方面处于极度困... 展开



Abstract:Both the world hegemony and the regional powers seriously impact on Syrian security.After all,the crisis in Syria is the game between the United States and Russia,the United States and Russia are the protagonists in the United Nations conference,Geneva conference and the G8 summit.The United States and the European Union implement neo-interventionism in Syria,which caused security dilemma in Syria and the Middle East.Neo-intervent... 展开

Abstract:Both the world hegemony and the regional powers seriously impact on Syrian security.After all,the crisis in Syria is the game between the United States and Russia,the United States and Russia are the protagonists in the United Nations conference,Geneva conference and the G8 summit.The United States and the European Union implement neo-interventionism in Syria,which caused security dilemma in Syria and the Middle East.Neo-interventionism that United States and Europe pursued becomes a major threat to Syrian security.Turkey and Israel also constitute security threat and challenge because they get involved in affairs in Syria and the Middle East.Syria faces not only national security challenge of the world hegemony,but also provocation of regional powers,thus the security environment is extremely difficult.China and Russia are powers that maintain the security of Syria and the Middle East,their actions prevented largely the West from imposing forces against Syria.


