文章摘要:20世纪八九十年代之交,东欧剧变,苏联解体,但中国坚持走社会主义道路,并取得改革开放的巨大成功。中国的快速发展激发了伊朗人了解中国的兴趣,伊朗前驻华大使范仁东·瓦迪内贾博士等人合著的《耐心龙:中国的过去、现在和未来》一书的出版,较好地满足了伊朗各阶层读者希望更多地了解中国的愿望。该书努力从中国的悠久历史及文化铸造出的中华民族的“耐心”特质和其对当代中国发展产生的深刻影响的角度,解析中国龙没有衰落反而腾飞的因由。该书信息量大,具有一定的学... 展开
Abstract:By the collapse of Eastern European countries’political systems and disintegration of the Soviet Union during the 1980’s and 1990’s,China has kept to its socialist road and was very successful in the reform and open door policy.The rapid development of China has aroused Iranian people for finding out more about China.The former Iranian ambassador to China,Dr.Fereydoun Verdinejad and his colleagues wrote the book of The Patient Dr... 展开