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作者:刘冬 出版日期:2013年11月 报告页数:31 页 报告大小: 报告字数:23039 字 所属丛书:中东黄皮书 所属图书:中东发展报告No.15(2012~2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:中东国家至今仍未摆脱严重依赖石油的单一经济结构,由于石油出口收入是中东国家最为重要的外汇来源,国际油价的高低也就成为影响中东国家货物及服务进出口贸易发展的重要因素。进入2000年以后,受益于国际油价不断攀升带来的石油繁荣,中东国家的货物贸易和服务贸易均进入快速增长期。在货物贸易方面,中东国家与世界其他国家的贸易往来长期呈现以石油换取工业制成品和食品的贸易模式。在服务贸易方面,运输是中东国家对外出口的主要服务商品,旅游是中东国家对外进口的主... 展开



Abstract:The economy of Middle Eastern Countries is heavily depended on the petroleum.As oil export revenue is the most important source of foreign exchange of the Middle Eastern countries,fluctuations of oil prices became the most critical influences on the commercial goods trade and service trade development of Middle Eastern countries.After 2000,with oil booms brought by the soaring oil prices,the volume of trade in Middle Eastern Countr... 展开

Abstract:The economy of Middle Eastern Countries is heavily depended on the petroleum.As oil export revenue is the most important source of foreign exchange of the Middle Eastern countries,fluctuations of oil prices became the most critical influences on the commercial goods trade and service trade development of Middle Eastern countries.After 2000,with oil booms brought by the soaring oil prices,the volume of trade in Middle Eastern Countries,for both goods and service,increased very rapidly.For trade of goods,the pattern of trade relationship between Middle Eastern countries and the world is exporting oil in exchange for manufactured goods and food.For trade of service,transport is the major commodity Middle Eastern countries exported,and travel is the major commodity Middle Eastern countries imported.For Sino-Middle East trade relationship,China established trade relationship with Middle Eastern countries since 1978,when China implements the reform and opening up policy.However,before 2000,the trade relationship between China and Middle Eastern countries is not strong.After 2000,with the soaring oil imports,strengthened capability for producing and exporting manufactured goods and the stronger construction companies,China established closer trade relationship with Middle Eastern countries,trade volumes for both goods and service between China and Middle Eastern countries increased very rapidly.As for the commodity structure of Sino-Middle East trade of goods,the major commodity China exported to Middle Eastern Countries is manufactured goods,and the major commodity China imported is crude oil.And for Sino- Middle East service trade relationship,the most import part is the Engineering contracting business undertaking by Chinese Companies in Middle Eastern Countries.


