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作者:杨光 出版日期:2009年02月 报告页数:15 页 报告大小: 报告字数:13962 字 所属丛书:中东非洲黄皮书 所属图书:中东非洲发展报告No.11(2007~2008) 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:Iran is one of the major countries with oil and gas resources and large potential of production. For many years,it has implemented domestic policies such as substitution of gas for oil,energy subsidies,improvement of energy efficiency and construction of refineries,in order to promote sustainable development,social stability as well as domestic oil product security. Since 1990s,Iran has gradually opened up its oil and gas indust... 展开

Abstract:Iran is one of the major countries with oil and gas resources and large potential of production. For many years,it has implemented domestic policies such as substitution of gas for oil,energy subsidies,improvement of energy efficiency and construction of refineries,in order to promote sustainable development,social stability as well as domestic oil product security. Since 1990s,Iran has gradually opened up its oil and gas industry by adopting the method of buy back. It considers the promotion of oil and gas exportation as a long term strategy,advocating for an oil price level that reflects the real income of the unit exportation and for euro as the currency of settlement for international oil trade in the place of US dollar.


