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作者:江时学 出版日期:2008年12月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:14010 字 所属丛书:世界经济黄皮书 所属图书:2009年世界经济形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:2008年,拉美的GDP增长率为4.7%,从而使该地区保持连续6年增长的纪录。如此长的增长期在过去40年中是绝无仅有的。经济的增长、失业率的下降、就业机会的增加和就业质量的提高以及非工资收入的扩大,使拉美贫困问题的严重性得到缓解。最近几年,虽然美国经济形势不佳,但拉美经济却一直保持较快的增长。这种“脱钩”(de-coupling)现象得益于拉美国家内需的扩大和对外贸易多元化的实现。而且,美国次贷危机对拉美的直接影响也不大。针对2007年以来显现的通货膨胀压力,许... 展开



Abstract:Despite less favorable international scenario,Latin America is expected to achieve six consecutive years of growth in 2008,with Gross Domestic Product(GDP)rising at 4.7%. Sustained economic growth,falling unemployment,more employment opportunities,better job quality and the expansion of non-wage income,have all made it possible for the region to reduce the poverty rate.In recent years,Latin American economy has been de-coupli... 展开

Abstract:Despite less favorable international scenario,Latin America is expected to achieve six consecutive years of growth in 2008,with Gross Domestic Product(GDP)rising at 4.7%. Sustained economic growth,falling unemployment,more employment opportunities,better job quality and the expansion of non-wage income,have all made it possible for the region to reduce the poverty rate.In recent years,Latin American economy has been de-coupling from that of the U.S.,mainly as a result of the region’s expansion of domestic demand and diversified foreign trade pattern. Furthermore,the sub-prime crisis has had no major direct impact on Latin American countries.In order to deal with rising inflation pressure,many Latin American countries have taken the following measures:providing price subsidy for energy and food;enacting price controls;loosening limitations on food imports;encouraging agricultural production;implementing quotas for food exports;improving the marketing systems for energy and food;making use of strategic food reserves;expanding government procurement for food;and speeding up the development and utilization of renewable energy.



江时学:1980年毕业于上海外国语学院,中国社会科学院世界社会主义研究中心特邀研究员、现任中国社会科学院欧洲研究所副所长,研究员,博士生导师。兼任中国拉丁美洲学会副会长兼秘书长、中国拉美史研究会副理事长、北京大学拉美研究中心副主任、中国社会科学院第三世界研究中心副总干事。研究领域为拉美问题。主要科研成果包括:《冰岛危机刍议》(《欧洲研究》2009年第3期)、《论英国的金融监管》(《欧洲研究》2009年第6期)、《希腊债务危机十问》(《中国战略观察》2010年第7期)、《爱尔兰房地产泡沫解析》(《欧洲研究》2011年第3期)、《对欧洲债务危机的认识》(《新战略研究》2012年第2期)、《欧洲债务危机中的政府更迭》(《中国战略观察》2012年第1/2期)、“Coping with the International Financial Crisis:Europe and China Compared”(IES Working Paper Series on European Studies,Vol.4,No.1,2010)、“China and the EU in the G20”(IES Working Paper Series on European Studies,Vol.5,No.1,2011)、“The European Debt Crisis in a Chinese Perspective”(IES Working Paper Series on European Studies,Vol.6,No.3,2012)。