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作者:刘明 出版日期:2009年12月 报告页数:16 页 报告大小: 报告字数:15900 字 所属丛书:世界经济黄皮书 所属图书:2010年世界经济形势分析与预测 浏览人数: 下载人数:


Abstract:The impact of international financial crisis on economies of the Middle East has become increasingly apparent. Main measures taken by Middle East countries to cope with the financial crisis in 2009 include economic policy adjustment,financial system reforms,and internal market stabilization. The economic recovery in the Middle East in 2010 will depend not only on oil price,but also on the general environment of the world economy,t... 展开

Abstract:The impact of international financial crisis on economies of the Middle East has become increasingly apparent. Main measures taken by Middle East countries to cope with the financial crisis in 2009 include economic policy adjustment,financial system reforms,and internal market stabilization. The economic recovery in the Middle East in 2010 will depend not only on oil price,but also on the general environment of the world economy,the evolution of international financial crisis,and the economic adjustment within these countries in the region.



刘明:历史学博士, 湖北大学巴西研究中心、 历史文化学院讲师。 主要研究方向为巴西农业、 社会、 外交政策等。 主持湖北省教育厅人文社科等项目, 并参与教育部重大项目、 中国科技部项目等。 在 《国际贸易》 《人民日报》 《拉丁美洲研究》 《对外经贸实务》 《外国问题研究》 等学术期刊上发表学术论文10 余篇。 作为副主编合作编撰 《巴西发展报告 (2017 ~2018)》 (社会科学文献出版社, 2018)、 《巴西及拉美历史与发展研究》 (武汉大学出版社, 2017) 等。