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作者:孙壮志 出版日期:2013年09月 报告页数:12 页 报告大小: 报告字数:10487 字 所属丛书:上海合作组织黄皮书 所属图书:上海合作组织发展报告(2013) 浏览人数: 下载人数:

文章摘要:作为一个新型的地区组织,上海合作组织主张大小国家平等,通过协商解决矛盾冲突,尊重不同国家的历史传统和价值取向,推动互利合作以实现共赢,这些原则和理念适合中亚的现实情况,得到了中亚国家的广泛认可。上合组织的多边安全合作起步较早,合作领域不断扩大,具有一系列鲜明的特点,成员国的安全合作开放透明、协商一致、不针对第三方、不谋求建立军事同盟,倡导以“互信、互利、平等、协作”为核心的新型安全观。中亚是上合组织开展合作的基本区域,近几年安全形势发... 展开



Abstract:As a new type of regional organization, SCO advocates equality of all member states regardless of their size and strength, solution of problems or conflicts through discussion and negotiation, and respect of historical traditions and values and orientations of all member states so as to promote mutually beneficial cooperation and win for all. Such principles and ideas fit the realistic situation of Central Asia and have obtained wide ... 展开

Abstract:As a new type of regional organization, SCO advocates equality of all member states regardless of their size and strength, solution of problems or conflicts through discussion and negotiation, and respect of historical traditions and values and orientations of all member states so as to promote mutually beneficial cooperation and win for all. Such principles and ideas fit the realistic situation of Central Asia and have obtained wide recognition and consent of Central Asian countries. The multilateral security cooperation of SCO started quite early, and the areas of cooperation have constantly expanded with a series of fresh characteristics e.g. The security cooperation of the member states being open and transparent, carefully discussed and unanimously agreed, no targeting of any their party, no attempt to build a military alliance, advocating a new pattern of security concept centered on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination. Central Asia is the main region where SCO conducts its cooperative activities. Due to a number of complex changes in the security situation of the region, in the light of the developments and changes of the regional situation and concrete interests and needs of the countries of the region, SCO ought to adjust its priorities in security cooperation, further improve its legal basis, initiate new multilateral cooperation mechanism, and enhance its coordination with other international organizations.


