文章摘要:2022年,太平洋岛国政治形势较为平稳,个别国家在选举中出现动荡,政治体制运转也出现一些问题。斐济、巴布亚新几内亚、瓦努阿图、瑙鲁分别进行了领导人选举,完成政府换届。斐济的选举表现出更加民主的倾向,瑙鲁的选举也比较顺利。但是,瓦努阿图提前解散议会进行了选举,巴布亚新几内亚选举过程中出现了混乱。萨摩亚和基里巴斯的现任政府与反对派之间冲突激烈。新喀里多尼亚和布干维尔的独立依然需要继续谈判,前景不明。太平洋岛国论坛的分裂危机解除,密克罗尼西亚群... 展开
Abstract:In 2022,the political situation of the Pacific island countries is relatively stable,and some countries experience turmoil in the national election,and there also are some problems in the operation of the political system afterwards. Fiji,Papua New Guinea,Vanuatu,and Nauru hold leadership elections respectively to complete the change of government. Election in Fiji shows a more democratic leaning,and Nauru’s election is relati... 展开